Posts tagged personal stories
Shipped Under Sail

In early March, the Gallant hoisted its sails and cast off from Columbia – its hold full of goods bounds for Europe. Cocoa beans that would be turned into chocolate, coffee beans destined for England. 7500 miles later, at the end of May the Gallant docked in England and her cargo was unloaded. Not an unusual story perhaps – certainly one that had been played out hundreds of times before. What is unusual about the Gallant, however, is that she sailed not in the 1820 but in the 2020s. This is the story of Falmouth’s Yallah Coffee and their new line of carbon-neutral fresh ground coffee that is shipped under sail.

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What's your story?

Great marketers don’t tell you about their products, they share the brand story.  The world’s best journalists don’t simply report the facts, they find the human-interest story at the heart of the situation. And you – what’s your story? 

The stories that we tell are far more influential with our audience that any list of facts and figures. As the saying goes: facts tell, but stories sell.

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3 ways how to come up with a great personal story for your talk

Sharing personal stories is one of the key elements of speaking with courage.  When you speak with courage, then your audience will respond to your message. In order to be an effective speaker, you need to build rapport with the audience.  This means helping them to know, like and trust you. One of the most effective ways to do this is to share a personal story.  But how do you come up with a good story to share?

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